annonce 1

Bandeau publicitaire haut

mardi 14 décembre 2010

today i've

Hellow everybody,

today i've try World Of Warcraft, Cataclysme (somes of my friends are so geek :o)

then i don't realy know how to play this game, that's maybe why i haven't take any plaisure in 30minutes....
and you, do you play wow ?

6 commentaires:

  1. not a fan of the cartoon like graphics, so i play guild wars. guild wars 2 is coming out soon, that should be pretty badass

  2. finally found your blog! i kept trying to go to and it always said it wasn't found! following :)

    and i haven't played cataclysm but my brother loves WoW

  3. i haven't in a long. so many other better games out there and coming soon.

  4. Only played wow for that free month, but got bored, hope you like it though

  5. I used to love it, it was a great way to keep up with my friends who are scattered out all over.
