Like i told you yesterday, i've "lost" my credit card and my bank have receive it...
So i decided to phone to ING Head-quarter to know how to receive back my card...
After 15minutes waiting, 4 differents people, 3 "could you waiting please ?" they told me something awesome...
"yes we have your card, no we cand send her to your home, you have to come to receive it yourself"...
have i mentionate that my ING agency is closed for a week ?
oh that blows man
RépondreSupprimerim sorry for you
Unlucky, I can't see why they won't post it. My bank always does.
RépondreSupprimerClosed for a week? Terrible business practices..
RépondreSupprimerwhy do you need a cc that much?
RépondreSupprimerRight before Christmas...that sucks!