annonce 1

Bandeau publicitaire haut

mercredi 29 décembre 2010

snow is melting

i'm disgust :'(
woke up this morning and see what ?
hardly no more snow :'(
temperatur become positives, above 5°c (more than 37°f )
and my snow man died :o

lundi 27 décembre 2010

an another day of freeze

freeze on europe conitnue :o
but today was a good day, no too much snow, just a little, and the road are clean, so we can go shooping :D
i wonder more snow for the new year day <3
hope it will arrive.

my cat try to do a snow man but it's hard :D

dimanche 26 décembre 2010

let it snow let it snow

Tomorow we'll have 0°faranight  (-18c° ) and it's the first time une fifty years :o
so the snow will stay about 2 more day <3
if it continue, we'll have a white new year

And you ? what about your country ?

samedi 25 décembre 2010

Mery christmas 2

hello followers, how was your christmas ?
mine was good, i've received an ipod (1 weeks ago :D) 1 blender to make some milkshake, 1 mug (wtf ?) and 1 blue jeans :)
and you ? what was your present ?

jeudi 23 décembre 2010


Snowww   again snowwww 

snow fell from the sky on my litle belgium, i'm happy cause that the first time we have a white christmas :)
my first white christmas <3
of course, most part of our highroad are closed, truck can't drive and some shop are closed be cause nothing to sell 
white christmas <3 :-)
and you ? is your country under snow ?

mercredi 22 décembre 2010

ran over the rain

cause everything have a start point and an ending point.

hu... so tired, i finish my exams halfs an hour ago and it was so hard :o
25 pages with some theorical definition to wright... wtf goes wrong with this teacher ?
so, when i finish i ask my friends "who want to go take a drink ?'

nobody :o  they are all disguste :o

mardi 21 décembre 2010

today will

Hey hey every followers :D
just a little post cause i've got to study a lot, tomorow will be my last exams,
French exam to precise :D
it will be hard, i've 4hours of exams minimum so, i expect finish it in 5hours (above)
hope i'll do it fast cose after i'll drink with friend to celebrate this end :)

hope you've finish your exam too bro :)

lundi 20 décembre 2010


hi every body, maybe most part of you don't know what belgium is...
It's my country, and like as a lot of other from Europe, we've got a lot of trouble due to Snow !!

that's why if you have to go to europe, i warn you, a lot of airport have been closed !!!

dimanche 19 décembre 2010

it continue :(

hi every followers, 
first, i still waiting for my credit card... no news 
second...  now it's my computer who goes bad :o
this shitty Windows seven is no more interesting than Xp i see :D
5 different virus :o   and i never go on internet with so... wtf ?
i haven't internet on, i just use it to work and always scan USB before use 
don't understand what goes rong with that pc :'(

samedi 18 décembre 2010

it continue :o

Like i told you yesterday, i've "lost" my credit card and my bank have receive it...
So i decided to phone to ING Head-quarter to know how to receive back my card...

After 15minutes waiting, 4 differents people, 3 "could you waiting please ?" they told me something awesome...
"yes we have your card, no we cand send her to your home, you have to come to receive it yourself"...
have i mentionate that my ING agency is closed for a week ?

vendredi 17 décembre 2010


I'm so disgust !!!!

i've finish my english test and teacher told me that i was the First with 30/40 ( B+  ? )
So we decided to congratulate this with a good Vodka-Coca...
we all go to a bar then take drinks and sudenly my phone rong... it was "anonymous", so i told my self "must be my girlfriends... never pick up or she'll become crazy" (i've say that i've too much to study so we can"t met this afternoon).

Later i take the bus and look my phone, asking my message and ear "Hello mister *** this is your bank, just to told you we have your credit card, could you come to take it bake ?"
so i go to my bank (who's too far from my house) and ...  it was closed :'(  "close frome 12/18 to 12/24  


jeudi 16 décembre 2010

thank you

First, let me say thanks for the song you've done, some are realy good !!!

So now, i had to look after series to put on, do you have some ?
(i already have South park, Simpson, American dad, Futurama, ...)

mercredi 15 décembre 2010

hi eve...

Hi every body

Ok, for christmas my mother bought me a Ipod 8g
I'm not a fan of but don't care, just want to stuff it with some new music.

So, by surfing on internet, i've seen thist blog with some music...

But could you give me some names of groups or artist   or song ?
...        just do it :D

Thanks hope see you soon ;)

mardi 14 décembre 2010

today i've

Hellow everybody,

today i've try World Of Warcraft, Cataclysme (somes of my friends are so geek :o)

then i don't realy know how to play this game, that's maybe why i haven't take any plaisure in 30minutes....
and you, do you play wow ?

lundi 13 décembre 2010

Happy new year come !

HI every body, i'm back again  :D

hope that it will be for a long time :)    (or not)
So, i'm looking calendar and see that we are the 13th December today :o !!!!

The new Year is near (  2011  Day - 18) 

Have a nice day, hope to see you soon !