annonce 1

Bandeau publicitaire haut

vendredi 16 décembre 2011

life is now like before

this night, a group of young decided that it could be fun to burn a car near the attack point...
after that, a lot of people started to panic and the police have been hardly overflowed by the call...

What goes wrong with the new "generation" ???
where is the fun to put a car in fire and to make panic a lot of people who are tromatized ?

here is the last founded victim

jeudi 15 décembre 2011

killing's day

The radio said that there is now 6 dead :-(
it still about 100 injured people, about 10 are hardly injured, they anounce that a old woman died this morning :-(

We still don't know why he done that, most part of his entourage said that he was a sympatic man, "who bring the breakfast every morning", the police find a lot of weapon at his flat, and a new dead in one of his garage.
according to his portable text log, he invited a old woman at one of his garage to kill her, nobody know why he kill her personaly.

Some people decided to organise a "White walking" (this is a < label > that have been made for this type of situation to show our support for the victime's famylies) day

mercredi 14 décembre 2011


According to the last result, there was about 3 dead + the killer death and about 140 wounded civils

It apears that the killer had 5 grenads in his bag (plus the 3 he already launch) and 9 Ammopack for his FAL...
The victims are some student aged of 15 and 17 y.o.  and a baby aged of 15 month...

This is not the first time that a man decided to shoot on civils, but this was the first and the more important attack that ever been comit in belgium.

The man who had to go to the police to talk about a sexual affair have decided to open fire on people who was waiting the bus.
he launched 3 grenades and started to shoot with a FAL...

This is the face of the killer

Picture of the shooter after he killed himself

After the shoot time 

mardi 13 décembre 2011

feel sad

Today is a bad day for my country/city...

a man decided to go in dowtown of my city and started to shoot at people...
the last news was 4 death and 70 damaged people...

realy don't understund was goes wrong in his mind :'(


lundi 12 décembre 2011

boring day

what a boring day
2h30 of  "FAT32 / FAT16 / FAT8 ?"
we spend about 1h30 to talk about this shi* :'( and the best way to break your FS on unix distributions
then after, 1h to talk about the fact that windows force you to use NTFS by breeding the FAT32
(our teacher is a pro-unix)
Why do some people think they are smarter cause they have MAC/Linux/Windows ???
what goes wrong with they ???
realy don't care of your choice !

you"re a common user 
you always click on "congratulation, you"re the 10000nd visitor !! click here, this is not a virus this is serious !!!!" 
and you don't know how to plug more than 2 string ? 
Mac is for you !
Linux could be for you

you like to improve your pc and you wont pay 1200€ for a config that cost 500€ and you use windows since the first time you've touch a p.c and you're afraid about learn how to use an other O.S and you're afraid to loose Windows graphical interface ?? 
Windows is for you !
Linux could be for you

you know some base in informatique and you don't want to pay 100€ for an old O.S. ??

Linux is for you !

jeudi 8 décembre 2011

sound like money

Today we've just play with some logical door... kinda fun game
The first who find the good plug & play connection (based on a table) win 5 €
not me :'(  :'( :'( :'(

 ps :
Just make the count and i win about 106€ with st nic's day <3

mercredi 7 décembre 2011

funny black guy

someone ask me in the last post who was the black guy who follow mr St Nicolas
This black man is called "père fouettard" in french (don't know how does other country call him)
this man is there to punish bad children, the cotum is the bad children receive a piece of coal when they make some bad things.

This "père fouettard" is maybe the reason why St nicolas don't became so comercial like Santa clos 
and for those who don't know this, Santa close was green before he became red for Coca-cola 

mardi 6 décembre 2011

i hate retarded flammish who wont speek any other langage than vlaams

First, to answer to RoR :
yes, in belgium when you're flashed by a radar, they take a picture of your car / license plate.
but they don't send that picture (you have to go to the center where the picture is, so i have to burn some Diesel to go to see a f****g picture of an another car :@
and to complet this mess, the policeman in this little city speek ONLY flamish (causes theses retard wont speek in french/english)
so... to continue...

And to answer to Adam ==> What's the difference between St. Nick's day and Christmas? 

St Nickolas's day is the 6 december, it's a celebration to a monk  "nicolas de Myre"
this celebration are fested by some européan country like Belgium, France, Sweeden, Germany, polonya,...

it's a kind of Christmas day, you offer some present/food to parents/children

Saint nicolas ==>

lundi 5 décembre 2011

realy bad day :o

todat is the St nicolas's day, all the student goes in downtown and drink together...
the problem is that a litle student (who was about 17y.o.) vomit on my shoes...
so i come back to home and fell on a police's letter...

i open the letter and they told me that i was drinving too fast the 11/26/11 at 01:26a.m. at wervik, a little city wich is about 240km far from my house
the fact is that the 26november i was at a huge party

SO WTF !!!
i think that somebody copy/paste my cars ID... feel bad :-( 
they say i've 5 day to pay 150€ :o

vendredi 2 décembre 2011

General strike

Today was the General Strike Day
the 3 major syndicate of my country decided to go in strike again our governement

After mor than 500 days without governement, (world record) our minister found an accord, the problem is they taxe MORE and MORE than before, they stop some social helps...

the fact is that belgium is one of the worst country about the taxes (you can be taxe around 60% !!!)

so our syndicate decided to proof that too much is too much :)

jeudi 1 décembre 2011

bad day today

what a bad day i had...
only one lesson for today
it took about 3hours of bus (to go and to come back from school) just for 1h30 of SGBD
Gestion System of Data Base
only to look an old faty woman wich was just reading a Powerpoint about MySql...

and to crown this bad day, when lesson finish... it rain... yeeehaaaa

mercredi 30 novembre 2011

logiciel de capteurs

in our last lessons about the computer structure, we talk about BIOS
the teacher told us that the actual BIOS (wich is use by Windows and Unix distributions) will soon disparat to be replace by a Firmware (wich is already use by some Cell phone, console, or by Mac).

The new Firmware (wich is old in fact... because coded i the 90's) will be able to support Hard disc with a stockage capacity until 9Zo (that make 9.000 To)
Actualy, the biggest disc are 2To, (or 4To ?) that's already a lot !!!
but remember that in the 90's, a big big hard disc was about 1Go :D :-) ;-)

The evolution of the first magnetic HDD

Left a SSD (new generation HDD) Right an actual HDD

mardi 29 novembre 2011

The man

once again, it was a hardcor day... feel so tired, head pain... 
the "electronic's" teacher just become crazy after one of us put down the electric generator

but that was the teacher was ask to ...  wtf :'(

lundi 28 novembre 2011

who's going to wall mart ?

did some of you have already "visit" a wall mart ?

when i went to USA 5 years ago, i've bought some articles in a wall mart, it was just a big market like some here, but, recently i've seen some videos on youtube, that make me ask myself "wtf is going wrong with that market ?"

take a look a this :

[Wall mart People]

[Mr ghetto - wall mart]
(just look the 1st minute)

vendredi 25 novembre 2011


hi mates,
some of you don't understand why i'm acutaly learning basical langage (assembly)

in fact in 1st year we learn C langage and Assembly
in 2nd year we learn C#, Java and C++ (and for those who choose "Industry" Assembly too)
in 3rd we finalises competences

of course, there is also all that turn around Informatic (like Unix with the V.5), the 8088 and 80380 processors (how they run), SGBD (Gestion of Systeme of Data Base), a little about electronics (how worek Diod, Acu, ...)
and a lot else.
my favorite lessons are ASM and C langage, and two of the harder are "Structure of computer" and "Electronics"

in Structure of Computers, we're watching what's happen when you start your pc (bios --> os) all the step.

and you, what are you studiing ?

jeudi 24 novembre 2011


A friend gave me this code, and told me there was a fail somewhere in, but i can"t find it... 

Anybody see where this code fail ?
(Asm language)

fact:   blez $a0fact_0  
        sub  $sp$sp, 8
        sw   $ra, 0($sp)     
        sw   $a0, 4($sp)   
        sub  $a0$a0, 1 
        jal  fact         
        lw   $a0, 4($sp)   
        mul  $v0$v0$a0  
        lw   $ra, 0($sp)  
        add  $sp$sp, 8        
        j    $ra            
        li   $v0, 1         
        j    $ra

mercredi 23 novembre 2011

mardi 22 novembre 2011

hard day

today was a hard day... 
i've about 20 programs to make for tomorow on C language and only with Vectors and pointer
Do one of you have some interesting stuff to share about Informatic ?
like an ASCI table ?
i feel lost sundenly :D  too much work !

lundi 21 novembre 2011

again a long week end

again, this week end was awesome
i went to a big party wich was organisate by the university of my city.

There was dubstep, electro, R&B, french variety and other.
beer for 0,80€
Vodka-Redbull for 2,50€
White-coca for 2,5€
and more...
if you came to belgium send me a e-mail and i'll tell you where to go :-)

vendredi 18 novembre 2011

felling down

it must arrive... after 3 test without a fail, i've been more than mistaken this afternoon

for those who know sun servor, i've made a "rem -r"
was a huge bad idea
now i have to re-instal my ubuntu  :'(

jeudi 17 novembre 2011


Hi every body

today i feel tired, more than usual :D
we've started asm language and it's hard to stay concentrate on this type of lessons

at the end of this year, we're supposed to be abble to build, code and animate a short robot.

hope to be able to :D

mercredi 16 novembre 2011

how is your laptot ? (or Pc )

Hey, it seem that some of you haven't some big Pc/laptop

how is your laptot ?

here is mine
BMx Connexion 868 SD

VGA: 2 Gb DDR3 nVidia GT 540M
Memory: 4 Gb DDR3Audio: High Definition, 2 speakers & mic
LAN: 10/100/1000 RJ-45Wireless: 802.11b/g/n integrated
Card reader: 10-in-1 MMC / MS (Pro) / SD(HC)Webcam: 1.3 MP integrated
Connectivity: 2x USB 2.0, 2x USB 3.0, 1x Bluetooth 3.0, 1x VGA D-sub (dual view), 1x HDMI, 1x Headphone (SPDIF) out, 1x Mic in, 1x 10/100/1000 LAN RJ-45
Processor : I5 2510

mardi 15 novembre 2011

every body want to play Skyrim/MW3 ?

Was at library this morning,
saw a lot of studen't on their laptop... it was the first time that there was more than 25 student so i took a look at their laptop... they all was playing on MW3/Skyrim... WTF :o

lundi 14 novembre 2011

a long week

Oh my God, i've spent 21h on Skyrim... i literaly fell in love of this game...
ok it's just a new Oblivion... but seriously.. RPG of my heart !

And what about you ? did you ever feel like that ? (the feeling that you realy NEED to play ?)

samedi 12 novembre 2011

i've just

I've just bought Skyrim
it's one of the most big map i ever seen, 
and what about graphisms, and Gameplay
They've REALY made a good game !
i'm happy to buy this type of game, if you don't have already do it, lets try this game !

vendredi 11 novembre 2011

4 days week end

Hi followers :)

sorry to haven't post yesterday,
i was at a huge LAN party with some friends (on black ops)
First should drink 1 glass
Second should drink 2 glass
Tird should drink 3 glass
Fourth should drink 4 glass

and if you stay 1st  3 times you should drink 3 glass

so... i use to be the first... but after an hour i have to vomit...   so... night was full of deception :D

hope your week end is fun as mine :)

mercredi 9 novembre 2011

become a homeless

Feeling like a Robocop Today
i've been shopping this afternoon
guess what ?
i become a poor :'( :'( :'(
was at a Primark (like a homeless:D)
take about 15 articles (jeans, sweet, T-shirt)
arriving at casa "that make 50€ sir"
puting my card in card reader... waiting... "not enought cash"


Then i run like a rabbit.. shame on me...

mardi 8 novembre 2011

learning C

Hi everybody, 
this is it ! i'm actualy learning C langage (not C++  not C#, only C)
i've learnd :
- While ()
- Do while ()
- getchar
- vec []
- For ()
- ( %2)

Do some of you have some interesting stuff to share about C langage ?
Pictures or info-pic ?
whab about geek and nerd ?
thanks for repsons :)

dimanche 25 septembre 2011


Hi everybody !

hope everything gone good for you !

Today i'm going to show you how to make money by sharing your file.
I'm sure that most part of you know this tip, but for other, here is the way to (maybe :D) get money
First, creat an account on Fileserve :
(Here is a referals link, if you wont be my referals, you just have to keep

When you have creat you count, you just have to upload some vids or pack of pictures that you've take with some friends.

Once you've upload this, Fileserve will give you a link to download them, share this link with some friends, more they download, more you get money !

(the "secret" is to share with a maximum of friends ! and asap, with the world :D "hey guys, wanna see some good vids ? loook at this ! *Filelink* "

vendredi 23 septembre 2011


I started to play minecraft a few day ago...

Bad or good ?

What about you ?